Visitors 17705
29907 photos

Contact Info
AddressPO Box 1212
Afton, WY 83110
United States
Daytime phone3072488980
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The Lincoln County Historical Societies website is sponsored by the Star Valley Historical Society. Included herein are historical and genealogical items from the Cokeville, Kemmerer and Star Valley regions of Lincoln County, Wyoming plus the Bear Lake region of Idaho. Seen here is the database server (backend) of the website. To see the site in its entirety, go to "".

Recently Added

Historical Star Valley Barns

Visitors 648
88 photos
Historical Star Valley Barns

Star Valley Barns Today

Visitors 74
90 photos
Star Valley Barns Today

McCoy Collection

Visitors 221
677 photos
McCoy Collection

Heiner Collection

Visitors 336
456 photos
Heiner Collection

Bates, Driggs, Idaho

Visitors 10
205 photos
Bates, Driggs, Idaho


Visitors 68
129 photos


Visitors 155
988 photos


Visitors 42
387 photos

All Photographs

5. Outside Lincoln County

Galleries 11
6560 photos

4. Star Valley

Galleries 24
Collections 1
21440 photos

3. Kemmerer

0 photos

2. Cokeville

Galleries 2
18 photos

1. Lincoln County

Galleries 1
1889 photos
Open All Photographs

Guestbook for Star Valley Historical Society
Ed Packer(non-registered)
Has anyone got any information (Records, Photo's, former Employees) on the Circle "F" Restaurant that at one time (Still may be) located just north of Afton and right next to the Saw Mill. Was owned and operated by the Flygare family (Edward, Vivienne) in the 50's, 60's, and 70's?
Kaetchen (Peterson) Schaefer(non-registered)
I am a great granddaughter of Harold Henry Harrison. This website is a marvelous resource for learning about my family's history. Thank you for compiling the record and making it available!
Bruce Michael Snell(non-registered)
I am a Great Grandson of Bruce Gardner. As a young boy, I got to spend my summers with my Grand parents, the Roy Gardner's. I've always loved the Star Valley, and I appreciate the time and energy that has gone into this site.
Milton Marcus LOWREY(non-registered)
Thanks again. I found two Marriage Licenses.
Chuck Lloyd(non-registered)
Really enjoy this
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